A comprehensive service and governance plan for a future-proofed new women and babies hospital, based on meaningful engagement with clinicians, healthcare workers and other key stakeholders, including the AMA (WA).
The Perth Children’s Hospital build has taught WA the importance of meaningful expert (staff and other stakeholder) engagement early on in a project, and the impact of short-sighted planning.
There is ongoing ambiguity and concern about how WA’s new women and babies hospital will operate, and what services it will provide. The WA Government must commit to supporting the delivery of independent, enhanced specialised services at the new facility. These should include:
Revised governance structures are required, as the current model of King Edward Memorial Hospital (offering a state-wide service) governed by North Metropolitan Health Service (an area health service) is not appropriate and is dysfunctional.
An alternative governance model should be developed, with all KEMH clinicians and other stakeholders genuinely engaged. All effective options should be considered and explored with appropriate stakeholders.
A comprehensive plan is provided to guide the design, development, build and transition of the Women and Newborn Health Service to the new, purpose-built hospital on the QEII Medical Centre site, along with a more suitable corporate governance structure.