Better Health Outcomes | AMA (WA)
AMA (WA) | Better Health Outcomes


We have been able to keep COVID-19 at bay… for now. But closing the borders cannot be our only trick.

In the case of an outbreak, our frontline healthcare workers STILL do not have access to the appropriate safety equipment. This puts all of us at heightened risk.

AMA (WA) | Election PrioritiesSource: Independent poll of WA medical practitioners
Doctors in WA’s public hospitals are the only frontline workers not to be offered permanent employment, instead relying on short term contracts.

This job insecurity makes your doctors fearful of speaking up to address matters that they feel are risking the safety of you and your loved ones.

Source: AMA (WA) Member Survey
Since WA Labor has been in government, ambulance ramping has reached unprecedented levels, growing by 379% since 2016.

This means you and your loved ones may find it difficult to get into emergency departments in a timely manner when you need it most.

Source: Ambulance Activity and Response Times

Read the 2021 WA State Election Priorities document in full here.