A system viewpoint offers an insight into WA system function (see infographic below). Not all mental health patients are the same. The WA Auditor General (2019) in a four-year patient journey study found that 10 per cent of patients account for 50 per cent of ED presentations and 90 per cent of acute bed use.
A small group, these patients rotate constantly in the acute system and often get trapped. This has created the impression of an ‘epidemic’ – but it is the same group presenting repeatedly.
A key direction is to refocus state mental health services on the high-user group and those with Severe Mental Illness (SMI). Properly planned, designed and integrated clinical, psychosocial and accommodation services for the 10 per cent high-user group has the potential to free up 50 per cent of ED capacity and 90 per cent of acute beds.
It appears a suite of new Sustainable Health Review (SHR) inspired services are being designed to address these issues. This gives hope that the WA system will be able to help these patients, reduce ED pressure and open acute services for other consumers and supporters.
Dr Martin Chapman
Consultant Psychiatrist