
Public Holiday Pay
Friday February 7, 2020
Hours worked on a public holiday shall attract a penalty of 150 per cent, or, if the practitioner and employer agree, a penalty of 50 per cent and the practitioner shall be entitled to a day in lieu for the day worked.
If a practitioner is rostered off duty on a public holiday, the practitioner shall be paid as if it was an ordinary working day, or if the employer agrees, be allowed to take a day off in lieu at a mutually agreed time.
Practitioners who are on annual leave on a day of a public holiday are entitled to the public holiday benefit on the next succeeding work day or days as the case may be after completion of that annual leave.
A practitioner who is required to be on call on a public holiday during what would normally have been the practitioner’s ordinary hours shall be allowed to observe that holiday on a day mutually acceptable to the employer and the practitioner.
If a practitioner is not required to work on a day solely because that day is a public holiday, they will be paid for the ordinary hours that they would have worked on that day.
The public holiday loadings differ for doctors in training and senior practitioners and are outlined below:
DiTs: Practitioners working ordinary hours on a public holiday shall be paid a loading of 150 per cent for the actual time worked or if the practitioner and SJG agree, 50 per cent for the actual time worked on the holiday together with an equivalent period of time off in lieu to be taken at a time convenient to the employer.
Senior Medical Practitioners: Practitioners working ordinary hours on a public holiday shall be paid a loading of 100 per cent for the actual time worked on the holiday; or if SJG agrees, in lieu of being paid the loading be allowed an equivalent period of time off to be taken at a time convenient to the employer. SJG also reserves the right to direct the caregiver to take this leave and may determine the date on which such leave shall commence.
Should you be required to be on call on a day observed as a public holiday during what would normally have been your ordinary hours, you shall be allowed to observe the public holiday on a day mutually acceptable to the employer and the caregiver.
If a public holiday falls on a day that you are not rostered to work, then no additional payment or day in lieu will be provided.
Practitioners are also entitled to a day’s leave in lieu of a public holiday, without deduction of pay, in respect of a public holiday which occurs during the practitioners’ annual leave