MEDICUS May 2022
©Copyright 2022 Cirrus Design Corporation. All Rights Reserved. TRANSFORM YOUR TIME Discover the freedom of personal aviation. Explore the SR22 for yourself and meet the Cirrus team at Royal Aero Club, Jandakot on Sunday, 26 June. Register your interest to attend at Cirrus Australia +1300.204.170 M AY 2 0 2 2 M E D I C U S 9 N E W S Advocacy at the table: AMA (WA) CEO Dr Bennie Ng and AMA (WA) DiT Committee Co-Chair Dr Jemma Hogan met with the new interim Chief Medical Officer Professor Alison Jones (extreme right) in April. They were joined by Gill Munyard and Thomas Duong from WA Health. A range of issues was discussed, including JMO career planning/ progression, part-time work and international medical graduate issues, including securing visas and permanent residency sponsorship. Both Dr Hogan and Dr Ng also advocated for longer JMO contracts, portability of leave entitlements between public/private and junior/senior roles, and the need to reduce the administrative burden on junior doctors. ■ Congratulations: Dr Chris Cokis, a specialist anaesthetist at Fiona Stanley Hospital, has been elected the new president of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA). Dr Cokis was first elected to the ANZCA Council in 2016. He has held several key positions, including ANZCA vice- president, chair of the Final Exam Sub-Committee, chair of the Education Executive Management Committee and honorary treasurer. He has clinical interests in cardiac and thoracic anaesthesia, is co-head of the department at Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospital Group, and leads the cardio-thoracic service there. ■ New Hollywood CEO: Andrew Tome has taken over the top job at Hollywood Private Hospital from Peter Mott, who has transitioned to a more strategic role with parent company Ramsay Health Care. Mr Tome was the CEO at Peel Health Campus for several years, and previously worked at Hollywood as the Director of Finance and Corporate Services. ■