MEDICUS May 2022
P R I N C I PA L E V E N T PA R T N E R In support of For further information about sponsoring or attending the AMA (WA) Golf Day, please email F R I D AY 4 N OV E M B E R 2 0 2 2 , R OYA L P E R T H G O L F C L U B Join us as we bring together members of the business and medical communities to become part of something bigger. As a Golf Day sponsor, you will help raise money for the AMA (WA) Foundation’s Dr YES program. This is an innovative, exciting program which enables medical students to visit local high schools to connect with students about the big issues – alcohol, drugs, sexual health, and mental health. It encourages and empowers young people to make healthy and informed decisions. Become a sponsor – support the program. Sponsorship Opportunities Function Sponsor Drinks Sponsor Gin Bar Sponsor Breakfast Sponsor Esky Sponsor Hole Sponsor T H E A M A ( WA ) A N N UA L CharityGolf Day