MEDICUS May 2022

So, what now? Where do we start? At the AMA (WA) forum, Prof Bowen spoke about the urgent need for “climate resilient development”. “Climate resilient development at its core is about packaging the normally diverse agendas, programs and practices of mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development,” Prof Bowen said. It is evident this is not just a space for the Department of Health – we can all play a role, whether we work in small offices, private clinics, GP practices, or in private hospitals. “The issues at hand need to be considered across government, and across all of civil society," Prof Bowen added. “Starting today, every action, every choice and every decision matters, because each of them can take us away from or towards a climate resilient, sustainable world.” Working to achieve sustainable development goals, and responsible consumption and production must include food services in hospitals. Stefanie Carino, Sustainable Healthcare Program Manager at Melbourne-based Climate and Health Alliance recommends health services evaluate their food services across the food supply chain, from procurement to waste disposal. “Looking at more responsible management of food waste is important. We also need to look at the system overall to prevent food waste from occurring in the first place. Sustainable and local food procurement plays a key role in this too,” said Ms Carino. You can read more about food service in hospitals on page 26. The AMA (WA)’s Climate Change and Health forum in November 2021 featured keynote speaker Dr Nick Watts. The UWA alumni and Chief Sustainability Officer at the NHS discussed how the UK's healthcare system was approaching climate change. He began with why. “The NHS was founded as the world’s first health system providing universal coverage with a really simple mandate – to provide high-quality care for all now, and for future generations. You just can’t do that unless you respond to climate change,” Dr Watts informed the forum. “Every single year, we ask our workforce: ‘What do you care about? What really gets you out of bed in the morning?’ “And every single year, they come back and shout at us: ‘I want to see the NHS do more to tackle climate change’. “This stuff gets people out of bed each morning,” Dr Watts said. Here in Australia, it’s time to ask ourselves: amidst all the many things that motivate us to get out of bed every day – family, career, money, love, – where does climate change figure? ■ COVID-19 PRODUCT SALE! TAKE 25% OFF* EXCLUSIVE AMA MEMBER SALE APPLY CODE AMACOVIDSAVE25 *DISCOUNT APPLIES TO SELECT STOCK ONLY. Continued from page 17. Time is running out. Jenna Cowie M AY 2 0 2 2 M E D I C U S 19 C O V E R S T O R Y – C L I M A T E C H A N G E A C T I O N