Workplace Relations Services | AMA (WA)

Workplace Relations Services

Need to make an Industrial Relations enquiry?

If you have an Industrial Relations enquiry, submit an online query, email or call (08) 9273 3000.

The AMA (WA) is the largest independent professional organisation for medical practitioners and medical students in Western Australia 

The Australian Medical Association (WA) works to promote and protect the professional interests of the medical profession and the healthcare needs of patients and the wider community in our State.

The AMA (WA) is expressly referenced in the Industrial Relations Act 1979 (WA) as the organisation that represents the industrial interests of medical practitioners in WA.

We are the only organisation that can collectively bargain on behalf of doctors employed in the WA Health System, to determine the terms and conditions of employment for both doctors in training and senior practitioners. With support from members, we continue to be responsible for negotiating the WA Health System – Medical Practitioners – AMA Industrial Agreement 2016.

The AMA (WA) also facilitates the Western Australian Branch of the Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation (ASMOF), which is a registered organisation under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and promotes the interests of salaried doctors, provides industrial representation to its members before industrial tribunals in the federal employment jurisdiction and negotiates employment bargaining agreements with employers.

For expert industrial advice and resources, including copies of the AMA (WA) negotiated industrial agreements and Private Practice Bulletins, please see the resources pages.