
Agreement reached with St John of God Health Care
Saturday June 19, 2021
Employees of St John of God Health Care are set for a pay rise, after an overwhelmingly successful ballot in support of the enterprise agreement.
The ballot for medical staff who are party to the St John of God Health Care – AMA (WA) – Medical Practitioners Enterprise Agreement 2021 resulted in a 91.27% vote in favour of the new Agreement with a participation rate of 54.15%.
As a result, senior practitioners receive an immediate 1 per cent pay increase, and then two subsequent annual increases of 0.5% (1 October 2021 and 1 October 2022), which will also flow to shift penalties, overtime payments and allowances.
Junior Medical Officers (JMOs) will receive percentage increases ranging between 1.2 per cent for Registrars to 2.5 per cent for Interns immediately, with subsequent annual increases ranging between 0.6 per cent for Senior Registrars to 1.25 per cent for Interns.
Other key improvements to conditions include:
Specific to JMOs
Leave in Advance: Inserts a provision that enables JMOs to access annual leave in advance subject to operational requirements.
Preservation of LSL for JMOs: Improves long service leave (LSL) provisions for JMOs so that a break in employment does not impact previously accrued LSL.
Overtime for JMOs: Clarifies the overtime payable when a JMO has agreed to work a roster pattern over four weeks in accordance with Clause 14 – Contract of Service sub clause (6). NB this provision is entered into by mutual agreement and the JMO can withdraw their agreement with four weeks’ notice. Overtime on a Sunday will be paid at 175% rather than 150%.
Meals for JMOs working additional hours: A JMO required to work additional hours beyond their rostered shift will be provided with a meal voucher – previously this provision was linked to overtime which also had to occur during usual meal times. As overtime is not payable until 80 hours in a fortnight, the previous provision meant that accessing a meal was rare.
Specific to Seniors
Ex-Gratia Payment: Retitle this clause to confirm the arrangement for a Professional Development Allowance, insert a table of rates; confirm existing application of the provision and that it applies pro-rata.
No rostered hours/on call before leave: Requirement to ensure practitioners are not rostered to work a night shift or be on call prior to a period of annual leave. [NB this provision is already available for JMOs]
Specific to Schedule B Practitioners
Reimbursement of PD Expenses: An exchange of letters between SJGHC and AMA (WA) has clarified the arrangement to apply to facilitate the reimbursement process contained in the Agreement.
The AMA (WA) provided a joint communique to all SJOG doctors, as well as participated in two joint presentations prior to the commencement of the voting process in support of the proposed changes to the Agreement, according to AMA (WA) chief executive Dr Bennie Ng.
“Well done to everyone involved and thank for your continuing support,” Dr Ng said.
“This is a significant milestone in the context of other negotiations.”