
AMA Fees List 2018 goes live Thursday 1 November 2018
Thursday November 1, 2018
The AMA has enhanced a key member benefit, with the launch of the AMA Fees List online in October. The new website has replaced the previous book and CD-ROM formats, making setting medical fees faster and more user friendly than ever before.
The new Fees List includes the annual 1 November 2018 indexation rates.
Since 1973, the Fees List has been a critical aid for AMA members by providing an important reference guide on medical fees. The Fees List is an original work owned and administered by the AMA Secretariat.
In moving online this year, the Fees List has been enhanced with number of features in to make referencing AMA Fees fast and easy for any medical discipline. This includes:
• Interactive dashboard to find, search and save AMA fees
• Search function that links directly to AMA and MBS item descriptions
• Customised user profile with options to save, download or print favourite items
• Fee calculator tools including a new Anaesthesia fee calculator
• Ability to print parts of, or full PDFs of the Fees List
• Online tutorials and help tools
• Mobile and tablet compatible
• Full PDF and CSV downloads.
The 1 November AMA Fees List is now available to access from the Fees List website: https://feeslist.ama.com.au/
PLEASE NOTE: As you would all be aware Medicare has released over 300 changes to the MBS schedule for 1 November. Due to high number of changes and the timeline with the indexation of the Fees List the newly indexed AMA Fees List release will NOT include the 1 November MBS changes. We are making every effort to review and include these changes as soon as possible and will notify members as soon as we release the updates.
To access the new AMA Fees List online, members will require a Federal username and password for ama.com.au
If you haven’t already, contact Member Services on 1300 133 655 or by email memberservices@ama.com.au to set up your log in details and be one of the first to access the new Fees List online.