
AMA (WA) elects new President
Thursday July 4, 2019
The Australian Medical Association (WA) last night elected Dr Andrew Miller as President.
Dr Miller served as AMA (WA) President in 2016-2017 but did not seek re-election at the end of his first year due to family illness.
Dr Miller said he was proud to have been elected to head the AMA (WA) in the first contested presidential election in 15 years.
Dr Miller, a University of Western Australia graduate is a specialist anaesthetist and company director.
Dr Miller paid special tribute to the hard work done by the Immediate Past President Dr Omar Khorshid.
“Omar has represented the medical profession and health services in WA with intelligence, thoughtfulness and flair in the face of state resource constraints and cultural problems within the hospitals. His presence has also been felt nationally through his advocacy on Federal Council.”
“Omar has also demonstrated strong leadership in policy development in his term, most recently in his determination to ensure that the voice of the AMA (WA) is heard during the sometimes sensitive debate around Voluntary Assisted Dying,” Dr Miller said.
“Our views about the complexity and difficulties of VAD are well known to government, media and the general public thanks to Omar’s willingness to stand up and ask awkward questions about details including vulnerable patients,” he added.
Dr Miller also has a law degree and wide experience in governance and strategy for national organisations, medical indemnity, along with policy and advocacy for the medical profession.
“I am conscious of the responsibility and the honour that the members have granted me at a time of great change for the AMA (WA) and the community.
“I look forward to working with the new Council and it is gratifying to see more talented female doctors elected again this year as a confirmation that our commitment to diversify our representation is gaining traction. I am determined to do even more to expand the range of voices that inform all of our policies in this way, and also through technology.
“Outgoing Executive Director Paul Boyatzis will hand over at the end of September with his great legacy as our starting point and I am excited to get to work with our new CEO, Dr Bennie Ng. We will ensure our transition to a new generation makes us even stronger, even more agile and more potent as a force for health in WA.
“Doctors are the best value healthcare providers in any system and we will make sure their voice is central in every healthcare issue in WA. I am proud to say that science is the foundation of our profession and the people of WA deserve no less than doctor-scientists applying their formidable training and skills to the many problems the community face,” Dr Miller said.