
AMA (WA) welcomes funding boost for medical research as a win for the state
Friday May 22, 2020
Western Australia has taken a significant step towards a brighter and healthier future following the WA Parliament passing legislation that will provide substantial additional funds for medical research.
The WA Future Fund Amendment (Future Health Research and Innovation Fund) Act, passed by State Parliament yesterday, will finally supply substantial amounts of money into medical research in WA and follows many years of encouragement and lobbying by the Australian Medical Association (WA).
AMA (WA) President Dr Andrew Miller said the passage of the legislation provided the opportunity to change the perception of WA being predominantly a primary industries state.
“Proper funding of medical research in WA will have a major positive impact on our State’s health, medical research and diverse economic development,” Dr Miller said.
“We now have a chance to develop a new reputation – a state that looks towards a future based on innovation, research and STEM job creation.
“This is a major step towards making WA a clever state and to prevent the brain drain – our best and brightest being poached by others.
“WA is the home base of a number of Nobel Prize winners. The passing of this legislation means we can add to research funding to ensure we keep more of them working here in the future,” he said.
The AMA (WA) funded a major research paper into medical research in WA in 2012 and advocated for a substantial increase in spending in order to boost research. The AMA (WA) also made this a key issue in the last two state election campaigns.
“We welcome the bipartisan support in State Parliament for this funding,” Dr Miller said.
“We must now ensure this additional money is used with independent approval of research on a scientific basis, to stimulate world-leading research opportunities and build on our excellent research base.”
For media enquiries, contact Robert Reid – 0422 553 877