
AMA (WA)’s new-look website!
Thursday March 12, 2020
Welcome to the Australian Medical Association (WA)’s new-look website!
Here are some things you will love about our new website:
- It’s now easier for you to log in to your member portal and once logged in, you can easily update your details;
- You have easy access to member-only downloadable resources;
- Renewing your membership will be faster and easier;
- Registering for events and seminars will be quicker and fuss free;
- All of the above and more can now be done on your mobile and tablet devices too.
As with all new launches, we may encounter a few teething problems during this initial phase of the website. If you come across any errors and glitches or if there is something you would like to see on the website that is currently not available, please let us know at comms@amawa.com.au. This is just phase one of our new website rollout, with more functions and greater capabilities being developed in the coming months.
AMA (WA) members will no longer be able to login to the member portal with login details from the previous website. You should have recently received an email outlining your new login details. If you have not received this email, please contact the membership team at membership@amawa.com.au or call (08) 9273 3055.