
The AMA (WA) proudly supporting Cancer Council’s ‘Junk food and sport don’t belong together’ campaign
Friday July 30, 2021
The AMA (WA) has united with peak public health and medical experts across WA in their call to end the sponsorship of sport by junk food companies. This follows a global junk food giant being named the official ‘Worldwide Olympic Partner’ of the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.
Cancer Council of WA CEO Ashley Reid said the time has come to question unhealthy sponsorship of sport by junk food and sugary drink companies; a call backed by the Telethon Kids Institute, the Australian Dental Association (WA), and six other public health and medical groups in WA, as well as national organisations Parents’ Voice and the Obesity Policy Coalition.
Australian Medical Association (WA) President Dr Mark Duncan-Smith said there should be no ambiguity in the health messaging directed at young people when it came to achieving peak performance.
“The Olympic motto ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’ (Faster, Higher, Stronger) presumes the very best preparation through proper nutrition and every other element that allows an athlete to perform at their best,” he said.
“The incredible achievements we see at the Olympic Games simply can’t happen in conjunction with a pattern of junk food consumption and no child should be given the impression they can give their best when making poor nutritional choices.”
Read the full media release from Cancer Council HERE