
Make Smoking History is “Worried About You”
Friday February 23, 2024
Even though tobacco smoking rates are declining, tobacco use is still the largest cause of preventable death and disease in Australia. In a bid to prompt people who smoke to quit, Cancer Council WA’s Make Smoking History Program will re-run the Worried About You campaign, across Western Australia from Sunday 11 February 2024.
This narrative campaign, produced by Gatecrasher, focuses on a daughter who is worried that her father will become ill from smoking. The television advertisement uses an emotive and powerful story to remind people who smoke to think about how their smoking affects their loved ones. Research commissioned by Make Smoking History found that a key motivator to help people quit smoking is to remind them how smoking impacts their relationships with the
people who matter most.
The campaign will appear across various media channels including television, radio, audio streaming services, out-of-home, and digital platforms until Saturday 22 June 2024.
Tips to kick the habit:
- Visit makesmokinghistory.tips
- Download the free My QuitBuddy app
- Call the Quitline on 13 7848 or chat online at quitlinewa.org.au.
- Chat to your GP, Aboriginal Health Worker or Pharmacist
The Make Smoking History Campaign is an initiative of Cancer Council WA and is funded by the Department of Health WA, Healthway and Cancer Council WA.
For more information about the Make Smoking History Campaign or resources to help people quit smoking, email makesmokinghistory@cancerwa.asn.au.