
Statement on Inquest into the Death of Aishwarya Aswath
Friday February 24, 2023
Comment from AMA (WA) President Dr Mark Duncan-Smith:
Our thoughts, of course, are with the family of Aishwarya.
We call on the McGowan Government to adopt all five recommendations by the coroner.
We also call on the McGowan Government to extend the safe harbour provisions to doctors involved in such a situation again in the future.
The adoption of these recommendations will cost money and we call on the McGowan Government to show responsibility with the great power that they have and increase the operational budget of health to allow for these sorts of provisions and these recommendations.
Link to Inquest Findings: https://coronerscourt.wa.gov.au/I/inquest_into_the_death_of_aishwarya_aswath_chavittupara.aspx