
Try doing that at home
Friday August 9, 2024
The power of your AMA (WA) membership is demonstrated clearly in the ability of our IR team to deliver significant dollars for members in disputes regarding pay and conditions.
This goes far beyond the capacity of busy practitioners to advocate for themselves with employers. It’s a stressful and at times hostile environment, and expertise counts. We regularly and consistently deliver for our valued members, as in these recent cases.
A member’s long service leave entitlement was recalculated to accurately reflect her actual hours worked. Long service leave is determined based on the hours worked, and at the request of the AMA (WA), an audit was conducted.
This audit revealed that the practitioner had worked significantly more hours than initially accounted for, resulting in the practitioner receiving an additional $24,000.
In another case, a member was initially denied paid parental leave, as the employer deemed a short-term exigency contract would not count as service towards the eligibility for paid parental leave. However, following intervention by the AMA (WA) this decision was overturned, and the practitioner successfully received 14 weeks of paid parental leave, amounting to $84,876.
If you believe you have been underpaid or have an industrial relations query, please contact the AMA (WA) IR team.